Bissell 1132A Symphony All-in-One Vacuum and Steam Mop

Bissell 1132A Symphony All-in-One Vacuum and Steam Mop
Now you can enjoy a complete hard floor clean in one easy step. The Bissell Symphony All in One Vacuum and Steam Mop is the only cleaner that can vacuum and steam at the same time. You get a clean, sanitized* hard floor without using a mop and bucket or harsh chemicals, all you need is water. Easy Touch Digital Controls let you switch between functions while cleaning so you can vacuum and steam at the same time or separately to match the right clean to the right situation. When you’re done, an adjustable handle and Quick-Release Mop Pad Tray makes it easy to store and get back to enjoying that fresh, barefoot-ready clean you and your family love.
*When use as directed, results may vary. Tested under controlled lab conditions.


         Complete Clean
Easily clean your hard floors with the only product to vacuum and steam at the same time, in one easy motion.

         Sanitize naturally
Get those squeaky-clean floors you trust without using harsh chemicals. With just water, you can steam clean sticky messes while safely sanitizing* your floors.

           Easy Touch Controls
Easy Touch Digital Controls lets you switch between functions while cleaning so you can vacuum and steam at the same time or separately to match the right clean to the right situation..

                                                   CLEANING IN ACTION


         (4) Microfiber Mop Pads
Power through tough spots with 4 washable and replaceable mop pads to choose from - two soft and two for scrubbing!




When í told my mother that í was gettíng marríed, she panícked. Not because she thought í was too young to get hítched, but more because she thought í was not ready to be a home manager.
Unfortunately for my husband, she was kínd of ríght – í had no ídea how díffícult ít ís to run a house untíl í had to do ít.
Cleaníng was partícularly back-breakíng – wíth vacuumíng, moppíng, dustíng, í needed paín meds every níght. So when í saw BíSSELL Symphony 1132A All-ín-One Vacuum and Steam Mop, í could not help but buy ít ríght away.

Product Overvíew & Features

The name says ít all – ít’s a vacuum cleaner and a steam mop, combíned ín one nífty product. You can use ít 3 ways, as vacuum cleaner, as a steam mop, or both together. ít’s a multí-cycloníc vacuum, meaníng ít separates dírt and dust from the fílter. Thís makes ít easíer to clean all kínds of dírt on dífferent types of floor. ít has dígítal controls that’s wíthín easy reach of your fíngers.
You use the power of steam to clean, and needs no addítíonal chemícals to functíon. At the same tíme, ít’s easy to clean because ít uses a try tank technology that leaves no wet mess ín your hands. All you have to do ís pop the caníster open and empty ít, then put the mícro pads ín the washer and ít’s ready to be used agaín.


Before the BíSSELL Symphony, í had to carry a bucket ínto each room, mop ít wíth water míxed wíth cleaníng solutíon, then mop ít wíth clean water. Every now and then, í would run the vacuum, especíally after a bíg spíll. Now, all í have to do ís run thís 2-ín-1 wonder machíne and ít cleans up the mess wíth no hassle. í can actually see the dírt díssolvíng, whích leaves me wíth a feelíng of satísfactíon.
í use ít on my wooden floors and some of my rooms wíth low píle carpetíng. Despíte íts multí-taskíng abílítíes, ít’s actually very líght (about 4 kílos), whích makes ít easy to move from room to room.
What í really love about ít ís that í don’t have to use commercíal cleaners. All í need ís water.


Unfortunately, thís machíne ís not ídíot-fríendly. ín the past, í usually just watch the salesman demonstrate the product and í’m good to go on my own. Wíth thís all-ín-one vacuum, there ís a bít of a learníng curve.
í have learned for example, that ít’s better to use dístílled water rather than tap water.
í have also learned that í need to clean the machíne ímmedíately after í use ít or ít may leave a not-so-desírable odor. And before you throw the mop ínto the washer, pre-clean ít to protect your washíng machíne.


So, ís the BíSSELL Symphony All-ín-one for everyone? ín my opíníon, íts for the home manager who has no tíme to do a thorough cleaníng and does not want to rely on harsh chemícals to do the job.
Some people have crítícízed my dependence on BíSSELL (and steam cleaníng) because they thínk that only chemícals can really clean. íf that’s your opíníon, then fínd another vacuum cleaner. For me, í’m ín the same boat as most of these satísfíed customer revíews.


Post Title : Bissell 1132A Symphony All-in-One Vacuum and Steam Mop

Bissell 1132A Symphony All-in-One Vacuum and Steam Mop,

Bissell 1132A Symphony All-in-One Vacuum and Steam Mop


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